Friday 29 August 2014 at 02:28 Posted by Shadley Hax 0 Comments

Ok, so my stuff tends to be all related to the Japanese sword, its use and maintenance but every now and then something else comes along that I feel deserves a look see. I've recently replaced my EDC or Every Day Carry knife with something newer and far superior.

I chose the CRKT Heiho. Made by Columbia River Knife and Tool its a solid spring assisted lock knife designed by James Williams. This guy is ex forces and quite something else. Google for him if you're interested but the result of his design work ended up with a handful of blades of different lengths and styles being produced, the Heiho being one of them.

I wrote about the upwards diagonal open cut a while back in an article I did for the Samurai University. That article has since reached 20,000+ views and so I decided to follow it up with a "video response" style article. Click on through, check it out and let me know what you think.